Timing System For Agility Dog
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Endowed with keyboard and mouse, the system very easily checks him, the functions are simple and intuitive

Timing System For Agility Dog Competition
The idea of being independent in the management of Agility competition has always been a need felt among those organizing the competitions; from today with Chronoagility timing systems this is possible at reasonable costs; we provide basic systems (without Big LED Screen) to complete with Big LED Screen to be visible even over a distance of over 40 meters; the simplicity of use first and all the information for the competitors: start number, time, errors, refusals, best time, these are the needs we want to satisfy and that your customers expect, with us for you a goal concrete and measurable.
What time? What starting number is it in the ring? Who has made the best time? Which is the good clean time? How many errors, how many refusals? These are the usual questions that feel him in the fields of competition, a big visible LED panel also to great distance it satisfies this demand and it makes the most informed competitors and therefore happier. Make your competition a best experience for your clients, their success is also yours!
Last updated 3 days ago
Don't be afraid use our systems is not difficult! The system is endowed with a monitor 19' with color graphics. The formulations are extremely simple of great format to be intuibili without having to study complicated manuals. The use of the mouse is enough to the complete management, but if it serves, for particular demands it is available the keyboard wireless.
Last updated 3 days ago
Our LED panel is realized with 7680 white LEDs by 10 mm. Its dimensions are of 1660x540 mm, with a height of the characters of 32 cm its visibility reaches and overcomes the 40 meters. The function of regulation of the bright intensity allows to adjust the visibility according to the use. If the competition develops him to increasing the intensity the trouble you can be won caused by the rays of the sun, while if the competition he develops indoor to the covered one the brightness you can have attenuated for not disturbing who looks at him. The very ample angle of vertical and horizontal visualization, favors also the visibility when the LED panel is found aloft or moved to the sides respect the point of visualization.
Last updated 3 days ago
With a traditional system, not connected with the software of management competition, makes him necessary to repeat that passages of given by a system to the other, for example: press the card help judge, one for the timing and one for the software of management competitions. A person must follow the first system and another he must follow the second, without counting that then at the end the two must be reunited again to produce the classifications. When our clients there is they ask it we develop the connection with the software of management, with the purpose to automatize the management of the systems, simplifying the procedures and reducing the number of the employed people. The data are automatically loaded by the software of management competitions to the timing system, when a competitor finishes the race you happens the inverse passage, that is the communication of the results from the system of timing to the software of management competitions. For our costumers to the foreign countries we have developed solutions devoted for their softwares of management competitions.
Last updated 3 days ago